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Water is in tears

All the rain fell on Japanese islands will be utilized without wasting even a drop.
Mountains absorb the water, and help farming and other industries as it run down as rivers.  When it reaches to the ocean, it provide nutrients to the sea creatures which the water has acquired while it run down the land.

The ocean around  the Japanese island is repository of resources which is so rich in nutrients. 

I feel so enriched by imagining that Japanese islands receive all the blessings from the nature, isn't ? That is to say Japan as "the land of water".  This water give all the creatures a power to live.  Even typhoons and rainy season are the blessing from the nature, and we have to get along with them for their benefits. 

Half of the earth's surface is always covered with crowds.  The water vapor has circulated between earth and sky about 7 to 10 days, and the phenomenon has not been changed last 35 billion years.  Contaminated water does not just go away to welcome fresh water from somewhere else.  The water flows, circulate, and cleans itself.  That is how we can use clean water.

However, the water is contaminated by the material which the water dislikes the most.  The material which cannot be purify itself; chemical substances, especially radioactive materials.  Unfortunately, it is happening every day.  I hear the water is crying.  It is in tears.