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Water in Taoism: No. 3

Movements of Tao are natural and bear no intention.  The natural forth which exists as it is, is the most powerful.  Human tend to move with intentions and reform what exist in nature.

Water has exists on the earth for last 35 billion years and never stopped to move.  When it flows, water knows the easiest and convenient way.  When it is steep, for example, water flows with speed.  When it crosses a field, it flows even relaxed way.

The flow of water is nature itself.  However, humans build riverbanks so that the water flows straight for their convenience.  As a result, humans have to fight with nature.  Under those circumstances, the power of water is beyond human’s imagination, and destroys artifacts. 

If a river is campshed by humans, precipitations in the mountains flow into a river and reach to the sea within 3 days.  I wonder if there is more effective way to protect a riverbank so that it flows more slowly so that the earth can absorb more water. 

When the earth is nourished with the water, it leads to nurture animals, plants, and all other living being, I believe.

The untouched nature has the best power and knows what is effective.  Therefore, if the water is let flow as it wants, it shows the best consequences.  The water has a desire to nurture all beings, while it flows slowly and be absorbed deep in the earth.