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Talking about your drawings of the flood, I wonder you just used your imagination to draw, or you actually experienced it.

Epic of Gilgamesh is a series of myth from the ancient Mesopotamian civilization.  One of the story talks about a battle between humans and a god of woods.  After humans won over the god, they cut woods in the mountain and that caused a great flood.
The same thing is happening on a global basis right now.

Japanese ancestors have left many stone markers warning us “not to build houses below here”.  However, modern people became so conceited with their science and technology that earthquakes and tsunami last year left much destruction behind because of that.

Humans have to be humble in front of the great nature.  Most of the people are not aware that the nature is nurturing us.  They believe they manage their lives only by themselves.  Many stopped learning from the past, and believe that stepping forward is the only development and progress. 
I can see the origin of humans as a natural being in your drawings and sketches you left.  Those are full of messages for the future and energy to live. 

Humans should not forget their origin.
Why do humans exist? Why there are so many races? What is the purpose of lives?
Your works show us answers for those questions.  In this day and age, however, your works and thoughts are away from people, framed and hung in special places.  They are distant, and people do not try learning from them.  I hope you can come down from the high platform and teach us the origins of nature and living beings with easy and plain words.