The thoughts on water had developed within you, and you came to think about a catastrophic flood.
Beginning and end of the earth.
Life and death of living beings.
Did you regard human being as a microcosm, and assumed water would destroy everything, including this planet and all the living creatures on it? Is that why you draw this catastrophic flood on a paper?
Everything start with water, and end with water… however, we cannot regard water as the primordial. Without doubt, we, modern humans can take a flood as a warning.
From the end of 20th century and the beginning of 21st century, the nature has warned us with the unbalance of soil, air, and water on the earth. We can see the backlash in all over the place; series of earthquakes and Tsunami such as in 2010 Chile, 2004 Sumatra, and 2012 east Japan; volcanic eruption in Iceland, Indonesia, Filipino, or destruction of the ozone layer, if we name some.
By the earthquake which happened in Japan last year, radiocesium was released in the air due to Tsunami, and which has affected people’s health. From that point of view, the water could lead us to the destruction of the world, like the flood you drew. However, I want to believe that human beings exist in order to prevent those catastrophes and to bring all the lives to eternal beings.
Water flows simply and beautifully, and supports all the beings to live. We have to work on to bring back the nature as it supposed to be like that. Human beings have been liable to utilize the nature only for their benefits. From now on, however, we have to create the society with a nature in the center. I want people to learn the ecocentric way through your works. Not many people have seen your sketches and drawings of water, and I am sure they will appreciate your works with surprise.
*The drawings of the catastrophic flood by da Vince are available on the Internet: use keywords such as da Vinci, flood for the search.