The rough diamonds usually shape octahedron, which is something like two pyramids attached together. However, you can find a wide range of shapes, such as round, long, or flat rough diamonds. Depending on the original shapes, they are cut into many styles such as round, pear, or marquis.
Among them, I came interested in the round shaped ones. I mean the round shape like a ball. Basically, diamonds do not crystallize into the round shape. Then, how did it happen?
Once, wind and rain eroded a mountain rock which contained a rough diamond deep in the mountain. The river carried the rock to the sea after taking a long time. The rock moved on the bed of the sea with the waves. It may have been mixed with little rocks and sand due to a typhoon. After a couple of million years later, a human happened to find it. By that time, pyramid liked edges had been cut into a smooth and round shape. There were some fine lines on the surface like a frosted glass. I wish I have another time to find such a diamond. I once did, but I do not have one at my hand. It must be carefully protected somewhere.
photo : Yu Nozaki |