You can see some triangles in rough diamonds, and they are called trigons. If a diamond has trigon, the crystallization was formed naturally. Once it is cut, however, trigons cannot be seen anymore.
Why does it form triangle shape? Is this a trace of growth as a result of natural crystallization?
Some have triangular-pyramidal growth hillocks, which look like layers of triangles from larger to smaller. Those are beautiful equilateral triangles, and even mysterious and sacred when looked with a magnifying glass.
The same triangle shapes sometimes appear on my Ryusuimon from the flow of the river. Why do they exist in the river and on my work?
Moreover, the triangles on Ryusuimon would appear only when the water is fresh and “new-born”. This must be a proof that the water is full of life-force.
It leads me to imagine that triangles exist where the life has its source.