The focal points of Taoism summarized in “now” and “here”. People only live each moment, and not a linear of time. However, we tend to postpone things saying “well, I will do it tomorrow”, “next time”, or “another time”. Tao teaches that the energy which exists “now” and “here” is the best. It is so true that when we are thirsty, we do not postpone the urge for tomorrow but drink the water right away. We can just take things simply like that.
When you have an urge to do things, the motivation leads you to the best result by doing it immediately. When you think back past, most of the things left behind still remain untouched, aren’t they?
Water expresses the life of newness. No other situation is better than now for the water. Water stays alive by accumulating each moment by itself. If we learn from the water, we may be able to live forever. Don’t you think?