Japanese people have tendency to see the way of life in water. There are many songs comparing a life with a flow of water. When it comes to classic literature, “Hojyoki” by Kamo no Choumei, is very famous for it. One of the shoguns, Kuroda Nyosui, has “water” in his name. Buddhism teaching also uses water often to describe truth.
Here is “5 lessons from water” by Kuroda Nyosui, which you can see at people’s houses flamed;
1. It is water that can move other things by moving for onself.
2. It is water that always seeks its own course and never stops.
3. It is water that gains 100 times stronger force when it encounters obstacles.
4. It is water that cleans gracefully other’s uncleanness and has capacity to accept both clean and unclean together
5. It is water that fills boundless oceans, vaporizes in the form of fog, and freezes like mirror but its essential quality is still the same in any form.
(Translated by Masaru Emoto)
Just be conscious and observe water;
The one in a glass when you drink it.
The one which flows from the tap.
The one when you take bath, which clings to your skin.
The one which flows in a river.
Humans cannot transform its shapes and forms, but can change feelings and mental state.
And, it all depends how you be conscious and observe the object.